My Blog

Quarterly musings and attempts at profound statements about art, life and dogs.

Fall is HERE with Winter close behind.

I'm cold. But my heart is full and warm. It's been a busy summer and fall and winter are just as busy! I'm so excited to share my article in WHERE WOMEN CREATE magazine. A huge spread with glorious photos taken by Chris Villiers, one of my fellow Fogues.  I have...

May is my month

May is going to be a fun month. I have a wonderful opportunity to show my assemblage art at bobbie medlin, a most delightful shop in Belltown.  Bobbie is a curating force of nature, gathering up treasures from Paris and beyond. A wonderul mix of regional and...

Tipping Point

I've had the good fortune to meet an amazing artist, Jill Drllevich. She is embarking on the most ambitious project of her life, one that has grown from a nucleus of an idea into a multi-faceted and profound community art project. It began when Drllevich came across...

It’s a New Year.

It's a New Year. Full of possibilities. It's a New Year. Full of possibilities, clouded by doubt, disappointments, old habits, distractions. It's a New Year. A new year to let go of all of that, her doubts, her disappointments, her old habits and distractions. Mirror,...

Fear is a waste of time.

Fear. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of clicking on the tab to change my website from 'Coming Soon' to 'I'm here, check me out.' I suppose I think it has to be perfect to make it public, but in reality it really doesn't because everything is a process. I'm...

Fall is HERE with Winter close behind.

I'm cold. But my heart is full and warm. It's been a busy summer and fall and winter are just as busy! I'm so excited to share my article in WHERE WOMEN CREATE magazine. A huge spread with glorious photos taken by Chris Villiers, one of my fellow Fogues.  I have...

May is my month

May is going to be a fun month. I have a wonderful opportunity to show my assemblage art at bobbie medlin, a most delightful shop in Belltown.  Bobbie is a curating force of nature, gathering up treasures from Paris and beyond. A wonderul mix of regional and...

Tipping Point

I've had the good fortune to meet an amazing artist, Jill Drllevich. She is embarking on the most ambitious project of her life, one that has grown from a nucleus of an idea into a multi-faceted and profound community art project. It began when Drllevich came across...

It’s a New Year.

It's a New Year. Full of possibilities. It's a New Year. Full of possibilities, clouded by doubt, disappointments, old habits, distractions. It's a New Year. A new year to let go of all of that, her doubts, her disappointments, her old habits and distractions. Mirror,...

Fear is a waste of time.

Fear. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of clicking on the tab to change my website from 'Coming Soon' to 'I'm here, check me out.' I suppose I think it has to be perfect to make it public, but in reality it really doesn't because everything is a process. I'm...

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5519 Airport Way South Studio 1A Seattle WA 98108

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